kitty About Research Teaching
Karthik Siva

Research Staff Member
IBM Quantum
email: k siva at ibm dawt cawm


I am currently a research scientist at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center at Yorktown Heights, NY. Previously, I completed my PhD in Physics at the University of California, Berkeley supervised by Prof. Michael Zaletel and Prof. Irfan Siddiqi.


I am interested in theoretical and experimental aspects of novel quantum devices, gates and error-correction, particularly in superconducting circuits. I am also interested in topological phases of matter and using and developing classical numerical techniques, such as tensor network methods, for studying them.


8. Theory of quantum error mitigation for non-Clifford gates
D. Layden, B. Mitchell, and K. Siva.
7. Empowering high-dimensional quantum computing by traversing the dual bosonic ladder
L.B. Nguyen, N. Goss, K. Siva, Y. Kim, E. Younis, B. Qing, A. Hashim, D.I. Santiago, and I. Siddiqi.
[arxiv] [Nature Communications]
6. Time-Dependent Hamiltonian Reconstruction Using Continuous Weak Measurements
K. Siva, G. Koolstra, J. Steinmetz, W. Livingston, D. Das, L. Chen, J.M. Kreikebaum, N.Stevenson, C. Juenger, D.I. Santiago, I. Siddiqi, and A.N. Jordan.
[arxiv] [PRX Quantum]
5. Universal Tripartite Entanglement Signature of Ungappable Edge States
K. Siva, Y. Zou, T. Soejima, R.S.K. Mong, and M. Zaletel.
[arxiv] [Phys. Rev. B]
4. Monitoring Fast Superconducting Qubit Dynamics Using a Neural Network
G. Koolstra, N. Stevenson, S. Barzili, L. Burns, K. Siva, S. Greenfield, W. Livingston, A. Hashim, R. K. Naik, J. M. Kreikebaum, K. P. O’Brien, D. I. Santiago, J. Dressel, and I. Siddiqi.
[arxiv] [Phys. Rev. X]
3. Universal Tripartite Entanglement in One-Dimensional Many-Body Systems
Y. Zou, K. Siva, T. Soejima, R.S.K. Mong, M. Zaletel.
[arxiv] [Phys. Rev. Lett.]
2. Isometric Tensor Network Representation of String-Net Liquids
T. Soejima, K. Siva, N. Bultinck, S. Chatterjee, F. Pollmann, and M. Zaletel.
[arxiv] [Phys. Rev. B]
1. Topological Order and Memory Time in Marginally Self-Correcting Quantum Memory
K. Siva and B. Yoshida.
[arxiv] [Phys. Rev. A]


I have served as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) for the following courses: Some of my old discussion material can be found here. I have also mentored students through the UC Berkeley Physics Directed Reading Program (PDRP) and the Compass mentoring program.